Thursday, April 26, 2012

Echinodorus palaefolius - Mexican Sword Plant

This aquatic plant thrives happily in clayey soil. Long pendulous spikes of flowers are produce continously. They last for many months and eventually form many branches. The flowers are pure white and last for half a day.

It is magnet for dragonlies. 

Stamens form a ring round the centre.
An ant has a field day scrambling around.

Delicate pure white flowers are borne along the whole length of the floral spikes.

I planted this pot solely from the plantlets form on the floral spikes. They grow freely and wildly and in no time fill up this big pot. I have since pruned it down substantially as the dense vegetation encouraged colonisation of mealybugs.


  1. What an amazing plant! I've never seen it before. It is perfect for that pot you have it in.

  2. It's nice to know you and I like this plant a lot! You have planted it into a beautiful pot. Very captivating and good shots as well :-D Have a great weekend!!

  3. Hi Missy and Stephanie. I have this pot sitting in my garden for around two decades, not knowing what to do with it. Finally one fine day it just struck me that it is just the perfect container for this lovely plant.

  4. aloha,

    they are very pretty and i love the pot you have them it too :)

    1. Was told by the nursery people that it was made locally and of export quality. Bought it ages ago.

  5. Such a pretty plant and perfect for a poolside planting. Is this tropical?

  6. It originates from Mexico and it has adapted well to the tropics. Popularly planted as part of a garden water feature.

  7. Replies
    1. They are lovely but we have to be careful about not letting mosquitoes breed in the containers as this is an aquatic plant.

    2. Keep a handful of guppie fish in the pot to eat the mosquito larvae. The don't mind shallow water, are surface breathers and will add nutrients to the soil as they go about their business.
