Thursday, May 16, 2013

Pink-necked Green Pigeons and Two Tall Trees

The Pink-necked Green Pigeon (Treron Vernans) is a fairly large bird that tends to perch high up in the tall trees in my compound. I have two very tall trees of about 40-60 feet high. 

This is one of the two trees that the Pink-necked Green Pigeons seek refuge from time to time.

A low hill is in the background, offering a perfect refuge for the birds at night, after their daytime forages to my garden.

 It is mostly green in colour, with yellowish-green down on the belly area and red feet. The primary wing feathers are black with greyish-green feathers covering them.

The males are colourful, with a pink neck and nape, 

and a vivid patch of orange just below the lower neck.

Much of its time is spent on preening itself.

And this tree seems to be the perfect place for its daily grooming

The tall tree with golden leaves is on the extreme left.

The other tree is a type of Casuarina which is nicely structured into a pyramidal shape. Birds of all denominations love to flock here at any one time. 
 Can you spot the dove?

 Its colourful hues make it easy to spot.

Calm and serene.

Beginning to get restless. 

The preening is a vital part of its grooming activities. 

So, its time for forty winks.

All alert after the power nap.

Poised to take flight at any moment.


  1. We have this birds to but in a grey colour. Never saw a beauty like this before. thanks for sharing.
    Have a wonderful day.

    1. Besides this there are two other types of dove in my garden; the Zebra dove and the Spotted dove. Though not as colourful, but they are still pretty in their greys and browns.

  2. I think that this is the prettiest dove I've ever seen!! Gorgeous colors!!!

  3. This is a far more handsome fellow than the Doves we have in the UK - they could be described as rather dowdy cousins in comparison.

    1. The mention of UK reminds me of 'Joseph and his technicolour dream coat'
      I remember going to Trafalgar Square to feed the pigeons.

  4. Wow...leng pigeon wooo..the feathers look so colourful and attractive...this one is yr regular guest?

    1. Hi Ummu, they are 'leng' birds :)and part of our Malaysian heritage. This one and many of its ilk are my regular tenants. Some have raised a few generations and stayed on.

  5. What a good looking pigeon! Such gorgeous colours.

    1. The male is more attractive. The female does not have the pink and orange patch.

  6. Wow, by comparison our black, white and grey pigeons seems so boring :( That Casuarina tree is gorgeous, both in shape and colour, no wonder the birds love it.

    1. They perched very high up on the top of the trees that I actually can't make out their colours. Its only when I upload the photos that I can fully appreciate their beauty.

  7. Hi Stiletto:) I'm back blogging again! This pigeon has colours more in keeping with a parrot than a pigeon, ... it's really beautiful.

    1. Welcome back. Now that you mention it, I think you hit the nail right on the head when comparing it with the parrot.

  8. What a fantastic pigeon. I have never seen anything like that before. It would be hard to imagine a more colourful pigeon!!

    1. Its rather colourful for a pigeon. We are so used to seeing the ubiquitous black-grey-brown ones. I would like to think that they became colourful from eating the various berries and fruits from my garden :)

  9. I don't think that I have seen such a pretty and colourful pigeon before! Beautiful photos!

    1. There are a handful of them around and I've taken quite a lot of photos. The pigeons are mostly at their preening antics or sampling berries and small fruits from my trees and shrubs.

  10. Very nice catch of that pretty looking pigeon!

    1. Thanks lronglim. I've captured its wonderul colours but not so much of the clarity. It was perched very high up on the trees an its not so easy to keep the hands steady with long lens.

  11. What a beautiful dove, Stiletto! Our doves aren't as flamboyant here. All the best! :-)

    1. Welcome back to blogosphere. Your daylillies are too beautiful not to be shown off. This dove must have evolved to compete with some of our bright tropical flowers.

  12. What a colorful dove! The doves here are very drab and are easy snacks for visiting hawks. Visiting your blog is like a trip through a wildlife atlas. I always see and learn something new. :)

    1. Your comment of them being 'easy snacks for visiting hawks' makes me wonder whether it is a fair trade-off for being beautiful. Btw I like your very positive attitude towards learning experiences.

  13. I love your area, not only because of those so plenty of flowers with birds but mostly the forested background. I love to live in areas like yours.

    1. Those hills used to be of verdant green. The primary jungle has been chopped down for replanting with rubber trees. There was a dry spell atthe time when the photos were taken, thus the drab colours.

  14. Hello Stiletto,
    What a magnificent dove this is!
    I am so grateful for your picture so I can admire its fantastic colours.
    Your thought bout unfairness when some birds exhibit such variety of colours where others look drab is quite true. I guess it the same with all of nature, mammals and humans! LOL!
    Your country has so much to offer to a French girl like me, I ma dying to get there one day and see for myself.
    Cheers and keep well.

    1. Hi Noushka, your bird photography is really amazing. Images of the birds captured by me appear soft, but yours have top clarity. The European bee eater is one good example and the combination of colours are so stunning.

      You are most welcome to visit. Send me an email and I will see what I can arrange for you.

  15. What a beautiful bird. You know what I really like? His feet. They're such a pretty color. Great post!

    1. I'm glad that you noticed. I wanted to mentioned it but I somehow overlooked. Its unusual for the feet to be so red, most of the time they are either yellow or brown.

  16. Beautiful bird and lovely capture!

    1. Thanks Malar. The colours are there but I've lost some of the clarity as they are perched on the upper tree branches.
