Thursday, July 3, 2014

Philodendron bipinnatifidum - The Lacy Tree Philodendron

Lacy tree philodendron (Philodendron bipinnatifidum or P. selloum) grows large with enormous glossy leaves that are deeply divided into narrow, wavy-margined lobes. The leaves are held on long petioles and  reach up to 3 ft  long. Older and larger plants develop leaves that are more deeply dissected and more ruffled. For this characteristic, it is also called the Split-leaf philodendron. The plant itself grows to a height of 10 feet or more and a broad spread of up to 8 feet. It requires little care except for the occasional trimming of the lower leaves.

The easiest way of propagating this plant is to simply cut the top section and take at least two strong roots.  This top cutting can then be potted and the old stem which is now leafless will eventually produce new leaves, usually in two to three clusters.

The leaves are broad and lush taking up lots of room in the planter box.

The pinnated leaves are borne on long petioles which extend them high up.

The stem is the central axis of the plant and provides support. However it tends to fall over and sprawl when the plant gets large.

View from outside the dining area

The broad leaf provided ...

a soft landing for a fallen fledgling sparrow. I put it back on the nest above.

Tasha positioned herseif under the Philodendron bipinnatifidum to have a cool  lookout for birds and cats.

Here a smaller specimen of Philodendron bipinnatifidum is seen to be equally happy in a relatively small container.

Filtered light through the leaves provide just the right touch of solar nourishment for delicate plants below.

The columnar flower bud emerges from a leaf axil. The inflorescence consists of a 1 ft long white spathe enclosing an upright spadix with many tiny pale yellow petalless flowers.

The robust stem shows typical 'leaf scars' forming an interesting pattern. Stout, aventitious aerial rootlets are seen sprouting out between conspicuous leaf scars. 

A sparrow was seen cracking a seed under the broad canopy of the Philodendron bipinnatifidum.


  1. I am so pleased that you found the fledgling sparrow and were able to pop him back in the nest - that was his lucky day.
    At first I was mixing up the Philodendron bipinnatifidum with the Monstera deliciosa as they look very similar. I remember when we were in Madeira and we were given the fruit of the Monstera deliciosa to eat which was rather like eating custard.

    1. I once had a Monstera deliciosa, but have never attempted to sample its fruit.

  2. Well done for rescuing the starling. What a lovely plant.

    1. Its a lovely plant but it takes up so much space.

  3. You are right about them growing large. We have a couple in our garden and they need lots of space.

    1. Initially I intend for it to be a house plant but it grew too large for that purpose.

  4. That's very huge plant! You have collection of huge leave plants! Lucky day for the sparrow! ;)

    1. I'm glad that the broad leaves provided a safety net for the baby sparrow.

  5. Oh it's so and beautiful plant. Your dog's look so cute..

    1. My mutt, Tasha has quite a character and can understand three languages spoken in sentences.

  6. Elsie, this philodendron is so large!! I surprise that it grows in a pot, so heavy with very nice leaves. I think it brings shadow to your window, doesn't it?

    1. The large one is in a planter box. The other one in a pot is much smaller and is taken from the lopped off portion of another plant. Thank goodness, it provide us with much needed shade.

  7. I love this type of huge plant. The leaves acted like a safety net for the young sparrow, but I exspect one sturdy leaf could have caught a much larger bird without damaging either bird or plant!:) Great pictures, interesting angles, and cute photo of your dog.

    1. Tasha is cute to us but not for the birds and cats :) They are her absolute nemesis and she terrorizes them no end.
