Sunday, December 13, 2015

Tibouchina granulosa - Senduduk

The name refers to the grainy, granular texture of the leaves. This shrub can be found growing wild but thrives well under cultivation. It blooms frequently.

 Each blossom is five-petaled and about 2" wide. 

 The petals are delicate and is a deep rose-violet to deep purple 
 in color.  

The flowers are borne in erect terminal panicles.

The stamens are gnarled and are a favourite of pollen-collecting bees

  Flowering panicles at branch tips can completely cover the tree with rich, velvet-like blossoms.

The dark green leaves are elliptic in shape and pubescent.

New growth is covered in a reddish bronze felt. 

Aphids having a field day on the flower buds.

Grasshoppers have a field day too.

Tibouchina granulosa and a silver tribal neck accessory.

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