Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Mexican Sword Plant and Flower Fly

Echinodorus palaefolius (Mexican Sword Plant) is an aquatic plant though it can thrive on damp or muddy soil. I planted them in containers without drainage holes.

The long spikes carry clusters of round buds at intervals on its nodes.

Cascades of flowers bloom from the long flower spikes. The next day another fresh crop will take its place.

With many generations of plantlets growing from the container, its time to consider re-potting. The leaves are now about one third its original size. The large leaves of the Calathea lutea is seen in the background.

Masses of blooms produce the effect of a bridal bouquet.

Its a magnet for both bees and flies.

This is a Flower fly or Hover fly (Eristalinus aeneus).

It is hard to tell whether it is gathering pollens or imbibing nectar.

After the snacking, it was time to enjoy the view below.

Another type of Flower fly (Eristalis) approach this treasure trove of entomological epicurean delights.

Thick clusters of Echinodorus palaefolius in a container next to my letter box.

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