Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Spotted Doves on Tree

Malay spotted doves (Spilopelia chinensis) are easy to recognise from the patch of white on black spots on their nape.  Their colours are shades of browns with dashes of black on the wings and tails. 

Their presence is often indicated by a pleasant crooning.

They are often found striding along the tree branches of this casuarina that I had planted from a young sapling about two decades ago.
A branch of the casuarina tree laden with cones.

A branch with the colourful bougainvillea in the background.

The casuarina after the rain.

The upper reaches of the casuarina.

With the sun low down on the horizon, these doves can still be heard cooing above.

On another tree nearby, another spotted dove was seen chilling out.
It passed its time by preening and snoozing. 

These doves are normally found alone and often in pairs feeding on the ground.

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