These trusses of bright buttery yellow flowers bloom non-stop throughout the year. It's a haven for small bees and hurrying ants. I have this planted as a standard and have no qualms about allowing it to scramble over the wall to the neighbour's side which happens to be my parents' house.
This plant is a must-have to the most horticulturally-challenged ever as they exhibit vigorous, uninhibited growth.
It really makes one gardener to have this plant in the garden after looking at yours.
ReplyDeleteDo you have any tips and secrets in maintaining and keeping this plant robust with burst of blooms.
eg: propagation methods, watering, etc.etc..
Actually I'm one of the most lackadaisical and 'democratic' gardener. All plants get the same treatment simply because there is no time to mollycoddle any delicate specimen. It's survival of the fittest in my garden. Any plant which can't cope will be allowed to die a natural death.
ReplyDeleteHaving said that, what is fundamental to successful gardening is to give them a good start. If planted in the ground, proper soil preparation is essential. Make sure there is good drainage (add sharp river sand)and throw in about 2 tablespoon of black organic pellets before positioning the plant. After this, I usually do not do much except for the occasional deadheading. I usually try to lightly sprinkle pellet fertilizers every week, on both potted and grounded plants.
This plant is easily propagated from cuttings. Take semi-mature parts of stems.
wow, this is so pretty draping off the wall!
ReplyDeleteYes, Wendy, makes for a pretty picture.