My thanks to Rosemary at Tales from my Garden for this nomination. To take a leaf from her webpage, its *BLUSH* all the way.
Like Rosemary, I'm
also new to awards. I was nominated earlier on for another gardening award but was clueless about what to do, so I let it pass. But in keeping with spirit of blogging, this time I thought I'll make an effort to accept. The task: I have to mention 7 things about myself and also nominate 15 other bloggers.
My List:
1. Flora and fauna fascinates me
Dawn dropwing dragonfly perched on bamboo stake. |
Carpenter bee hovering over Thunbergia grandiflora. |
2. We love our mutt to bits.
My neices, Charmaine and Charlene trying to put on a striped T-shirt on Tasha when she was a pup. |
Tasha donning her 'Superdog top'
Tasha is terribly fond of rope-play and constantly on the look-out for playmates. While she runs after the rope, her sparkling blue bell tinkles along. |
3. Books can make me lose my precious sleep
I've watched all episodes in the First Season of 'The Game of Thrones'. As the DVDs for the Second Season were still not available at HMV, I decided to go for the book.

I've shelves of books which were obtained for a steal at 'The Big Bad Wolf' booksale. Foliage here is Philodendron Imbe.
4. I wield the needle to de-stress
These two pieces were my first attempt at embroidery. They were done more than two decades ago only during lunch time. |
This cross-stitched piece was also a lunch time project. |
5. At least once a year, I go footloose and fancy-free
Ta Prohm Temple at Angkor, Siem Reap
A stranglehold embrace by the deep roots of the ficus trees. |
Newgrange Megalithic Passage Tomb, Ireland
At dawn on the Winter Solstice, a shaft of sunlight penetrates the passage to light up the chamber for 17 minutes. |
6. I love Music of all genres
The ipod is a nifty gadget for thousands of songs |
7. I tend to be adventurous when it comes to cooking.
Recipe books are constantly trawled through for interesting recipes. New dishes are tried out with modification and customisation. Family members are the beneficiaries or guinea-pigs as they would like to be called.
There are many other bloggers who are deserving and which I wish to nominate but they have already been spoken for, attesting to the popularity of their blogs. You know who you are out there.
List of nominated bloggers in no particular order;
1. James Missier -
2. Autumn Belle -
3. Stephanie -
4. Breathtaking -
5. African aussie -
6. Ngeun Sysengthong -
7. Stardust -
8. Giga -
9. Bernie H -
10. Jill -
11. Daylily Soup -
13. Zapach Piwoni -
14. Ummuaidan -
15. Pieces of contentment -
Congratulations on your award. It's well-deserved. I know I always enjoy coming by to see your latest post.
ReplyDeleteI see we have a lot of things in common, and Tasha is such a cutie.
Thank you so much for your nomination of my blog as well. I'm very appreciative.
I've was enjoyed yours post of lush plants and gorgeous flowers. Your blog is most deserving of the nomination.
DeleteCongratulations stiletto for you nominations...indeed you'r a beautiful blogger. wow with 7 things listed about yourself now we know you better thanks for sharing..
ReplyDeletethanks for nominated my blog too..really appreciate it..good luck to you..
Beautiful blogger? ahem. I've always admire how you try to make the best of the situation and live life to the fullest while away from home. Your children grow up in a loving family environment and still very much in touch with Malaysian culture. You deserved to be nominated.
DeleteYou have a great blog Stiletto!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on the award.
You deserve it :)
I'm amazed at your embroidery work, very nice work done there.
It started when I bought my first few pieces while on vacation in Hawaii. Those are my favourite pieces designed by a Japanese American. Its actually easy as full instructions are given particularly on the 3-dimensional stiches.
DeleteCongratulations on your award! You have a really beautiful blog! You're an artist. Your embroidery work are stunning!
ReplyDeleteThanks Satu for all the nice comments. Credit must be given to the designer of the embroidery pieces, besides maintaining an even tension while stitching.
DeleteGratuluję Ci otrzymanej nagrody ! Świetnie przedstawiałaś 7 wiadomości o sobie. Dziękuję ślicznie za nominowanie mojego bloga do nagrody i cieszę się, że lubisz go. Jest mi przykro, ale ja nie "pociągnę" zabawy dalej. Dla mnie wspaniałymi nagrodami są jedynie komentarze i piszę o tym na swoim blogu. Pod moją ikonką z lewej strony jest taki napis. Przepraszam bardzo i mam nadzieję, że nie będziesz do mnie żalu z tego powodu. Pozdrawiam cieplutko.
ReplyDeleteI congratulate you received prizes! Great przedstawiałaś 7 messages about themselves. Thank you so much for nominating my blog for the award and I'm glad that you like it. I'm sorry, but I do not "pull" play on. For me, great prizes are just comments and write about it on your blog. At my icon on the left side is the inscription. I'm so sorry and I hope that you will not regret to me because of that. Regards warm.
Giga, its perfectly alright. The spirit of the award is in forging closer links within the garden blogging community. Have a great weekend.
DeleteCongratulations awads.What Lovely surprise, thank you for the award
ReplyDeleteI'm happy that you are accepting and appreciating it. Happy blogging and have a great weekend!
DeleteI love your list of 7 things, you have completed beautiful embroidery artwork and visited some awesome places! Your first shot of the dragonfly is incredible, this is my favourite insect and your puppy looks very loveable and happy. Thanks for posting your nominations, now I have some amazing new blogs to check out :)
ReplyDeleteRosemary, thanks for nominating me in the first place. I'm glad you like my embroidery work. I love dragonflies too. I can only take good shots if my subject is cooperative. In this case the dragonfly was probably showing off its shimmering wings and stayed still long enough.
DeletePosting nominations need some effort. Deserving blogs have to be checked out as to whether awards have already been accepted and urls copied and linked. I'm glad I did it.
Congratulations on your award, Stiletto! Your beautiful blog is so deserving. Also, thank you so much for nominating Daylily Soup. I am truly honored. I am just amazed with the stunning dragonfly you posted (I'm crazy about dragonflies). Also, your beautiful embroidery is just amazing. So glad we got to see you in the photos this time. Last but certainly not least, what a cute dog! I enjoyed your lovely post. All the best! :-)
ReplyDeleteThanks for your encouraging comments. Though your blog is relatively new but your posts are interesting and the images are amazing. There seems to be no lack of dragonflies fans among fellow gardening bloggers. Best regards and Happy gardening and blogging.
DeleteThank you for nominating me, and I never quite know what to say on posts like that but I do enjoy finding out about other blogs that I read so I suppose I should offer my readers the same courtesy. Your embroidery is amazing!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad that you appreciate the award and spread the good cheer to other bloggers of note. I can assure you that anybody can churn out such pieces of embroidery as long as they can thread a needle and maintain consistent tension on the stitching frame.
DeleteGORGEOUS needlework! We are also watching Game of Thrones. Mid-way through the second season. My husband had started the third book and he became thoroughly sickened by all the horribleness - the pedophilia, the violence, etc. Do you feel that way? I'm not reading them, and the show is amazing. I'm always stunned at the porn though!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for your appreciation of the needlework. I like the series because the plot is intricate with loads of machinations and scheming for power. However I do agree that the graphic scenes of huffing and pufffing is a blight on the otherwise entertaining series. I feel the book is much more enjoyable.
DeleteTHANKS for the award Stiletto! I feel very honoured to receive this. You have amazing well yourself. Very impressive needle work, your appreciation for music and story books amazes me and your hobbies reveals your talents. Cheers.
ReplyDeleteStephanie, much thanks for the strong support and nice comments. Your blog is most deserving. I'm constantly drawn to your blog as I enjoy your posts, for the subject matter and also to verify the ID's of local plants. Best regards to you.
DeleteBeautiful cross stitched peacock, I also adore the dragonfly, carpenter bee and of course your sweet doggie. :)
ReplyDeleteThank you for enjoying the things that I do. In your blog Desert Colours, you have some shots of amazing dragonflies and a colourful grasshopper, Horse lubber.
DeleteStiletto, thank you very much for the BBA! I am very honoured. I love visiting your blog which is always full of lovely pictures and info. I am so delighted to know more about you here. We share many things in common. You have a Beautiful Blog, you are certainly a Beautiful Blogger and multi-talented lady who is a joy to know.
ReplyDeleteMs Belle, your compliments elicit much blushes and I thank you for them. I'm glad you enjoyed my blog as much as I enjoyed yours. Your blogs are a treasure trove of information. Recently I discover that it is so easy to verify plant ID through your other blog, The Plant Finder. I have high regards to you as the sifu.
DeleteThanks for stopping by and I am following back. You caught some great photos here, love the Dragonfly. The dog photos are adorable.
ReplyDeleteCher Sunray Gardens
Goldenray Yorkie Puppies
We seem to share a common but delightful interest in dragonflies and dogs. Cheers!
DeleteCongratulations on the Beautiful Blogger Award. This fascinating blog really deserves it. Keep up good work, Stilleto.
ReplyDeleteI’m glad you nominated me for the award. I really appreciate your kindness and support. However, I’d rather be free from any awards like I have held back from accepting in the past. I really enjoy visiting your blog and reading your thoughts and impressions on my posts, which is more than enough. Thank you.
Thanks once again for all the kind words. Similiarly I enjoy visiting your blog with all the interesting photos, tales and information of your beloved country.
ReplyDeleteYou described yourself so nice!
You are unbelievably kind and best regards.
DeleteHello Stiletto:) Congratulations on your award, and thank you for nominating me for The Beautiful Blog Award. As you are a new follower of mine you will be unaware of the BREATHTAKING AWARD POLICY which I posted on the 15th of September this year, so with regret I must decline your nomination but thank you sincerely for thinking of me, as I am truely honoured.
ReplyDeleteKindest Regards.
Hi Breathtaking, I nominated you because I thought your blog deserves the award. I understand if you wish to decline and respect your decision.
DeleteCongratulations and also thank you for the nomination.
ReplyDeleteTruly your life is beautiful and that it really shows that you really recreate beauty in all that you touch.
I'm amazed at your needlework - truly they are a masterpiece.
Thank you again for the nomination - I will post this when I get the time as I'm truly busy at this year-end time.
Continue to be the Guardian of Beauty in all that you do & touch.
Hi James, thanks for all the kind and lovely words. Will be waiting to hear about this from you. End of the year is when everbody works at a frenetic pace to wrap up for the year.
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